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Showing posts from May, 2018

Opening a Biz bank account - 口座開設までのステップ

I wrote 10 Things to Do to start a business in my previous blog. Opening a business bank account is one of the essentials to run a business. In Singapore, there are many banks to chose from. The most popular bank here is DBS Bank, we can see it's ATM everywhere in island-wide. Though, one of my business-owner-friends mentioned that she chose OCBC Bank, not DBS. When I was searching for the Bank info, I found a  useful website which contains a comparison chart of major three banks. Looking at this chart, I chose OCBC bank to minimize the fixed cost. After choosing a bank, these are 4 Steps what I did to open an account; Walked into one of the branches and asked the required documents for account opening Made an appointment with one of the business account representatives Visit a branch with required documents (IC/Cheque book for initial deposit) and had a interview with a representative Write a cheque for initial deposit That's all! Very simple. I was not

10 Things To Do to Start your Business - 起業に向けてすべき10のこと

What do we need to do when we decide to jump into a start-up business? Here are 10 things what I did as a kick start; Write down all of the business ideas Dream about what I want to achieve through this business Talk to some friends who is running a business 1&2 and seek their advise   Think about business name Research about the best business structure (Pte Ltd/ LLC/ sole proprietorship...) Decide two types of business activities (as it's required for business registration) Register business (via IRAS website) Register a domain name & email address Start writing a business blog  Open a business bank account I have been dreaming about starting up my business for quite a long time,  but I have been just dragging it off, making lots of excuses to myself... But, one super blue moon night which was on February 1st this year,  I started to feel so excited about make my dream come true. I got up from my bed in the middle of the night and started to write abou

Digital Environment: PCの故障と優しい隣人

It's been a while since my last blog. The reason laptop had been stopped working!! Fortunately, I have a nice Singaporean neighbor who used to be a system engineer. Thanks to him, he repaired my kind-of-old laptop within a few days after I had passed it to him. Now it's faster to startup, and all the digital clutter has been cleaned up! Feeling very light and refreshed☺ I noticed that digital environment is crucial to our business speed, and having a good neighbor is a blessing. 約2週間ほど前、突然PCが起動しなくなってしまいました。 そろそろ買い替え時か?と思ったのですが、 近所にすんでいる元SEのシンガポーリアンに 起動しなくなったPCでも修理可能かきいたところ、 もちろん直せるからPCかしてごらん、と数日で直してくれました! 持つべきものはよい隣人ですね❤ 御礼にいくらか払おうとしても受け取ってくれなかったので、 昨夜そのご夫妻にお寿司でお礼をさせていただきました。 このPC,起動スピードが遅いし電源コードの差込口がゆるんで時々充電できないし、 色々問題を抱えていたのですが、この隣人が解体して差込口まで直してくれて、 不要なファイルがなくなったせいか起動スピードも改善し、 最新アンチウィルスソフトまでダウンロードしてくれてかなり快適になりました♪ 親切な隣人がいて本当に助かりました。 Digital Security Tips: Setting a system password can prevent the hackers to break into your computer. Did you kn

Bridge : symbol of my passion ロゴのアイディア

I love bridges. Since I was a young girl, I love crossing bridges, it's maybe because I grew up in a city with lots of beautiful rivers. I love discovering and exploring new world. I get excited when I cross the bridge, as another view is awaiting beyond the bridge. Bridge is to connect two separated areas. I love connecting people, something will happen when people are connected. I have been always wanted to be a bridge between different cultures, and I believe I have been doing this over the years without being aware of it. As the bridge is a symbol of my passion, I'm going to use it for my company logo. I can't wait to show it to you...!! 突然ですが、私は橋が好きです。 川が多い町で育ったせいか、小さい頃から橋を渡るのが大好き。 橋を渡った先には違う景色が待っているので、 橋を渡るときはいつもワクワクしてしまいます。 橋は隔てられた二つの地を結ぶ役割があります。 私は人と人をつなぐのが大好き。 人との出逢いで何かが生まれるからです。 なぜかわからないのですが、私は小さい頃から いつか異文化の橋渡しをしたいと思っていました。 そして実際に、海外に長く生活する中で、 自然とその役目を果たしてきたと思います。 昨日から会社のロゴデザインをしているのですが、 私のパッションを表すのにぴったりな「橋」を シンボルマークとして使用する予定です。

About ACROS SG - アクロスSGについて

Today, I would like to share the story of  "ACROS SG". I have been always searching for my life work, which I can make a difference in the world, something I can put all my ability and experience... And one day when I was crossing the border of Singapore and Malaysia, I got inspiration of my company's name, "ACROSS". I love this word, "ACROSS". People come  across  in our life changes our life. When we across the border, something will happen. I want to travel  across  the world before I die.  I want to help people to step  across  the boundary to expand their horizon. Also, I simply love the letter "A", which is the first Alphabet,  and my name, Acco, starts with "A" 😉 And I found that many big companies' name also start with "A", like Apple, Amazon, Alibaba... I am hoping that one day, my company grow big and give back to society. As the name of  "Across" was not ava

Let's get started! ー始まり

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I am Acco, a founder and Managing Director of Acros SG. I have registered ACROS SG in March, and started to make a website. Hope this blog and my website would bring you happy energy for your days. OK, let's get started! Have a happy life, Acco こんにちは。私のブログへようこそ! ACROS SGのアッコです。 これからみなさんがハッピーになる情報発信をしていきたいと思っていますので、 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 今日、ここから、あなたの望む幸せへの一歩を踏み出しましょう♪